
Chris Whitcoe is passionate about the awakening of consciousness, raw food nutrition and the emergence of Corporate America as a vehicle for global change. In service to this overarching holistic vision he has created a diversified life in which he integrates his passions with the largest impact possible.
In 2005, Chris took a hiatus from a successful corporate life to fully embrace his love for the raw food/consciousness movement by pursuing a Masters Degree in Live Food Nutrition under Gabriel Cousens, M.D. at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center. Chris also dedicates his abundant raw energy and expertise as an advanced software engineer to Corporate Consulting, LLC, his company dedicated to creating advanced technical solutions and premier internet presence for his clients.
In 2008, he conceived and co-founded the company Vivapura: Pure Superfoods for Life, dedicated to bringing the highest quality, Raw, Organic & Ethical superfoods to the global market. Vivapura has received a profoundly positive response that has continued to propel the company toward success as a vehicle of Sacred Commerce. This is the new paradigm in action!
In 2010, he co-founded of Pure Joy Academy, where he brought the science of nutrition to the curriculum which took learning about raw cheffing to a whole new level that has never been taught at a culinary school before. He helped create a fasting and cleansing protocol that helped hundreds of students gain clarity and understanding of holistic detoxification.
Ultimately, Chris’s greatest role is as a father to 3 vibrant children who truly understand the value of living foods and spiritual awareness.